Emotional Intelligence Assessment EQ 360

While the EQ-i 2.0® identifies the level of a cli­ent’s emotional and social functioning based on his or her responses, the EQ 360 assess­ment provides a more in-depth analysis by having those who work with the client pro­vide information as well. When observer rat­ings are compared with the results of an EQ-i 2.0 self-report, a more complete 360-degree profile emerges.
(Source: Multihealth Systems & Assessments, www.mhs.com )
The EQ 360 identifies key employee strengths that can be leveraged to the benefit of the organization, as well as impediments to high performance that could be improved. As with the EQ-i 2.0, the EQ 360 fea­tures significant changes based on data and feedback gathered over several years.

This feedback resulted in:

Clear Alignment with EQ-i 2.0

One important change that was requested was a better alignment between the EQ-i and the EQ 360. In the EQ 360, each of the 133 assessment items has a correspond­ing and equivalent item in the EQ-i 2.0. In addition, the EQ 360 reports are now set up in such a way that participants can view the results for each item across all rater groups; this even includes their self-report results. This improved alignment creates higher face validity because the results can be much more easily understood and report better interpreted. And, of course, the new EQ-i 2.0 model also applies to EQ 360.

Automated Set-up

The EQ 360 provides simplicity and automation — all based on direct customer feedback. For example, after participants have nominated their own raters, the system emails raters automatically with a unique URL that they then use to access the tool and to rate the participant. Having an auto­mated process makes it easy to work with the EQ 360 and it saves you time.

Workplace EQ 360 Report

The Workplace EQ 360 Report includes not only the feedback of all the raters but also the feedback of the participant — all in one consolidated report in both and client and coach’s version. This saves the participant time and effort in working through multiple reports, and it allows for better comparison and understanding of the feedback received. Reports are structured in a very clear and linear manner that is easy to follow and reference — making the Workplace EQ 360 an entirely positive user experience for both the client and the administrator.

Report Appearance

The Workplace EQ 360 features a one-page over­view, as well as providing a gap analysis which is a visual representation of the rate’s responses directly compared to the responses of the nominated raters. The gap analysis points out the areas where there is a high versus a low level of agreement between the rate and the raters, and it high­lights potential blind spots.