What distinguishes top teams from the rest?
Develop High Performing Team
- Apply Emotional Competence to manage Team
- Apply Emotional Competence to manage self and Others in a business context
- Apply Systems Thinking in Problem-Solving and Decision Making
- Apply Teamwork in the Workplace
- Foster Initiative and Enterprise in Teams
- Lead Workplace Communication and Engagement
- Build Team Relationships
- Engage People
We use Emotional Intelligence Assessment as an integral part of our Leadership Training process. We partner with one of the best in the industry -Multi-Health Systems Inc (MHS), A leading publisher of scientifically validated assessments for more than 30 years & use EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 Assessment developed by Multi-Health Systems (MHS) team. The EQ-i® is the first scientifically validated Emotional Intelligence (EI) tool in the world. EQ-i 2.0 captures emotional intelligence by dividing it into five general areas and 15 sub-sections or scales. The Leadership Report evaluates an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in emotional intelligence that correlate with leadership performance.
"Top management that shares a common, emotional outlook that is positive will have 4% to 6% higher market-adjusted earnings per share than companies whose management team consists of members with diverse emotional outlook."
- Sigal Barsade
When you create a climate of trust and the sense that we are better together than we are apart -it leads to greater effectiveness.
- Druskat