Emotional Intelligence Development Training

​”Emotional Intelligence is more than twice as predictive of business performance than purely cognitive intelligence and is more predictive of business performance than are employee skill, knowledge, and expertise”
-Gerald Mount

Why We Can't Ignore Emotional Intelligence?

We can’t avoid emotions – even if we want to! Every thought of ours passes through the emotional filter. Emotions are our first response to a situation – they direct attention, initiate action, and help us stay motivated to achieve our goals.
Emotional Intelligence enables us to use emotions to solve problems effectively, and lead more fulfilled lives. It can be used to develop strong relationships, enhance customer service, motivate people, be effective leaders build, and sharp business acumen.
It is therefore no surprise that Emotional Intelligence has a huge impact on our Personal & Professional lives. It is an ability to use emotions to help one solve problems effectively and live a more fulfilling life. Emotional intelligence without intelligence, or intelligence without emotion is only a part of the solution. The complete solution is the head working with the heart.
There are significant benefits for improving emotional intelligence. Individuals who are strongly self-aware are also usually more self-confident, and as such, they attract others to their social circle more easily. They are able to quickly reach out and develop trusting relationships, both in the community and at work. They can admit mistakes, laugh at themselves, and learn to do better the next time. People with high emotional intelligence and good communication skills are better at reading their environment, being intuitive, and sensing what is going on around them. Their good communication skills allow them to speak to any and all individuals they encounter, no matter their rank in an organization. They have a broad circle of professional and personal friends, they can count on because they have developed long-lasting relationships. Individuals with high emotional intelligence and good communication skills also know how to “manage” relationships and how to apply influence when and where needed. They are inspiring and motivate others to succeed.
While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. The good news is that Emotional intelligence is not a static factor. Emotional intelligence changes over time and can be developed in targeted areas.

Emotional Intelligence Training

“Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions to assist thoughts, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth reflectively.
– Mayer & Salovey
Through our customized Workshops, Training, and Coaching, clients learn to enhance their social and emotional competencies to develop Professional Excellence to achieve Your Professional and Personal Goals.
Our training solutions and transformational workshops on Emotional Intelligence are designed to help our clients to:
Through STRIVE HIGH’s Signature Workshops & Training, learners would be further able to develop:
Measuring Emotional Intelligence -Get your Personal EI Workplace Report, 360 Report, Leadership Report…
It is important to assess and identify leaders’ strengths and weaknesses to help them understand what is working for them & what is not. The good news is that Emotional Intelligence Competencies can be assessed and can be developed in targeted areas.

We use Emotional Intelligence Assessment as an integral part of our Leadership Training process. We partner with one of the best in the industry -Multi-Health Systems Inc (MHS), A leading publisher of scientifically validated assessments for more than 30 years & use EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 Assessment developed by Multi-Health Systems (MHS) team. The EQ-i® is the first scientifically validated Emotional Intelligence (EI) tool in the world. EQ-i 2.0 captures emotional intelligence by dividing it into five general areas and 15 sub-sections or scales. The Leadership Report evaluates an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in emotional intelligence that correlate with leadership performance.

Emotional intelligence is proving to be one of the key drivers of performance! Higher EQ leaders build a workplace environment where team members can excel, and higher EQ team members use their business strengths more effectively to achieve their professional and personal GOALS. While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is a key indicator in these areas. The good news is that Emotional intelligence changes over time and CAN BE DEVELOPED.